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You make the Call!


You make the Call!The time is NOW when you should make the call! Pick up your mental phone and call yourself to action! Why are you waiting? Every new day is another one wasted if you don't act now!

People who actually know me find it nearly impossible to believe how much I get accomplished in so little time. The truth is, it all has to do with time management and accumulating moments of time that most others don't realize are available to us. For instance, my family decided to get rid of the TV in our home and use the computer to only research for news that we want and entertainment we want instead of not having control of our own time schedule. This is the best decision we ever made. There are more alternative news resources that are honest and reliable that do not get hacked by politically motivated agenda plans that give a much higher degree of useful information than the scheduled programs for TV.

The high cost of TV programming is another issue all of it's own. That programming is paid for by advertisers and it is reflected on us by stealing time from our lives by taking away from us the option to fill those moments with useful activities. TV that used to be "free" is pretty much a thing of the past now that almost everyone is paying a cable bill or for a remote antenna system. When those systems were being put in place, your money spent also meant that you didn't have to waste your time on advertisers. After the closed systems of TV viewing were well established, the advertisers crept back in and took over again and started not only stealing your time, but also controlling your viewing preferences. And you pay for that!

Watching TV is even less convenient for me as my attention needs to be much more focused while writing and programming or out in the shop producing products for our customers and helping our affiliates earn more money.

On the entertainment side, we have found that we get to choose what we want to watch or listen to on our schedule and we have increased the quality of the media we enjoy by using the vast Internet to find and make those choices. At this very moment I am working on this web site while enjoying an incredible guitarist that you can't just go to a music store and get his raw media from. I get to throw a small screen up in the corner of my computer monitor and enjoy this whenever I am doing other work that is not going to be interfered with by being entertained at the same time. Also, when I am time trapped and running my plastics forming machine to make custom molds and other items for my customers, my shop computer that is not online can be running and playing my choice of entertainment while I am working. It makes the time go by much more enjoyably and is great to be able to appreciate these things while your hands are made busy.

If I find myself in a situation like waiting for something to be done or waiting on a person, I always carry a yellow pad with me and write, plan, or work on a project.

At times, I carry with me some Sculpey Clay and a few tools and make models to create more molds for chocolates and soaps.

Getting rid of the TV alone was the best thing we could have done in our lives. As we get older, we find ourselves getting up for short periods of time during the night. Like right now it's 2:30 AM in the morning and I am here typing for a little while. When not working on this kind of activity, I am usually typing in one of the books I am working on at the moment. I was able to publish 4 books in a months time to Kindle just before starting on this web site. I didn't write those 4 books in that month, I wrote them over a several month period while also working on several other books at the same time. Doing it that way keeps me from having any excuse of "writers block" or a lapse in gathering information needed for a particular book. When one or more books gets close to being finished, I make a last big effort like a college kid cramming for an exam and finish it up and format it for the Kindle and get it published. I have at least 14 books at this very moment that are being worked on and are at one stage or another of completion. My "main" project I am working on the most is an RPG game system I plan on publishing this year before the end of 2019. This game system came to me in a dream and the dreams keep coming to me and I keep getting food to fill the pages I type like a hungry man needs a meal. This is how I fill my time that just isn't possible to be spent in the shop working on physical new ideas and items and it's also how I am able to build the shopping sites I have up currently and keep adding to.

Not everyone has this kind of lifestyle. But it makes us all aware that it is possible to fill ones time in ways that can be enjoyed and be made profitable. When your call comes in, take it and hold a conversation with yourself about how to fill your time in the best way. Why not turn every moment into something of joy. Don't forget the little things in life which are the most important. Moments in time can be spent enjoying each other and our families as well. After all, without each other, there really isn't any reason to set any goals at all. Mainstream news hides from us all of the people and other living things that have no control over their own lives. Once we get a view of this that extends beyond our small circle of reality, we realize that the web of influence we have can make change for something else living in our world and we can make good choices to expand our good fortune beyond our own small realm.

This site was built on the premise that helping others is the true key to success that goes far beyond just scrapping a little cash off of our time spent working.

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