of us lose our way quickly when it comes to breaking the veil
of the Internet and trying to earn an income from this massive
network of people, businesses, and money we know is out there.
There is a bridge however that we can cross with ease with only
a few simple steps.
The bridge
I am speaking about is not just a mental one, but a real physical
one we need to walk across to get to the other side where success
is waiting for us with open arms. The bridge is in understanding
that when we help others in need, then we ourselves are lifted
up as well. What do I mean by that? Well, when a program is implemented
where people network to raise money for a good cause, then that
networks power takes over and all of the people in the program
are lifted up along with the ones that are being helped.
There is no
greater need than what powers the success of survival of a few
except money. With money, the survival rate of those in need lifts
them up and creates a blanket that defends them from the cold.
Money does not exist except to be used as a tool to be used by
those that have the best knowledge of how to use these tools.
All money comes into existence via the mining, growing, or manufacturing
of resources.
I read an
article recently that was extremely disturbing to me. The article
stated that all money comes into being as debt. In other words,
the debt is created by loaning people money, which is actually
just numbers put on a ledger by the banking system. The person
buys a home, a car, merchandise, and any number of things and
goes into debt. This debt is leveraged as a physical thing which
takes the form of money. In almost all cases as the article stated,
there is no actual money that ever changes hands, especially in
the larger purchases of homes and so forth.
review how this system works. A bank creates money out of thin
air by leveraging the money that their patrons deposit. Not by
the exact amount, but up to 9 or more times the amount of the
deposits. This means that the banks are loaning out money on money
they don't actually have on hand in the physical sense of the
word. They create a loan in which the person or family then has
to pay interest on at an insane amount to use this money that
doesn't actually exist to begin with but the banks get to use
this loan as an actual tool that they claim as their own from
the time of the loan being made and they are the ones who now
own the home, not the people who got the loan. If you doubt that,
just try not paying your mortgage or car payment for a while.
we purchased our home outside of Tucson some 20 years ago, we
had put a large and substantial down payment on the home along
with spending a great deal of money on improvements to the property,
not to mention the amount of interest we paid, the insurance we
paid on it, and taxes we paid to all parties with their hands
out. On not being able to pay our mortgage for 3 months the bank
was about to claim our home and take it out from under us even
though we had made a huge investment into the home for all of
those years.
wrong with that picture? I will tell you what is wrong with it.
The so called home owner doesn't actually own the home and most
likely never will. Even if by chance the home is paid off in full,
which is not likely in today's age, the government entities will
always be out there demanding you pay taxes or they will claim
your home as their own if you don't pay.
What if tomorrow
your job disappears and you cannot get another one and your unemployment
runs out and things just get worse. What do you have to fall back
on. You certainly cannot rely on a handout from our government
as all of them from local all the way up to the federal level
are in extreme debt from mismanagement of funds.
don't care for the down side of thinking about these kinds of
things, but the truth is that there is so much of that going on
at this very moment that it's a scary thought to think about.
The larger
businesses in the USA have either shipped their labor to overseas
manufacturing or have cut hours and other worker benefits to the
point that the average person is having a very difficult time
making ends meet at all.
There is a
solution. We cannot promise you the moon and expect you to think
that we are the answer to financial stability, but we can encourage
and assist in ways that will be a big help in that direction.
Link Commissions™
is actually one of the very few ways out there that can create
a residual income without being related to a multilevel and unethical
business model. The only other way to create such a residual income
model is to produce a product and sell it and hope for the best
in sales of that product. So far, the reason I am able to afford
to build this web site at all is because I have spent a huge amount
of time writing and producing books for Amazon on Kindle and have
the skill level to actually physically produce the site myself.
I pay for the hosting, the domain, the software that runs the
back end of the site, and spend a huge amount of time producing
all the other parts of this program to make it work for all of
us. I have dedicated myself to this effort so that others can
gain from it as well.
bridge I am personally taking involves signing up for the program
myself even though I am the builder. It is by example that I will
be working this program so others can gain from my experiences
as they happen and I am able to relate to others via the newsletter
I am publishing here as an ongoing project.
The lessons
we take away from all of this will be an education all on it's
own. It will be a self grown college that we all get to attend
but we are all each the professors in our own way teaching each
other by relating what works and what doesn't.
first step to take is to sign up with the program. The second
is to start implementing it as soon as we send you the links you
need so you can get started. Just send out the links, the rest
will follow. The other steps over the bridge are easy after that.
Our newsletter will include many suggestions and examples on how
to expand your Link Commissions™ efforts!