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Lets take time out and have a conversation.

Lets take time out and have a conversation. Most of us are so busy we don't take the time anymore to just sit down with anyone and have a real one on one meaningful conversation.

Even when our kids are grown we tend to spend little time with them other than sending text on our phones which are short and cryptic at best. They seem to be to busy even while on the phone to have their complete attention on a conversation while talking with them. We see this as a a real issue that is not good for us as a society, nor as individuals.

Texting has a complete lack of being able to pass on our feelings which are picked up during a real conversation. Even a phone call when one of the people in the conversation is not paying 100% attention to the other person on the line does not pick up the inflections of the other persons voice that tells way more about the conversation than the simple words being spoken.

The Internet kind of started this off by creating the situation in chat rooms of the past. I remember very well the beginnings of my own first chat sessions and people spent a lot more time typing to get an idea or conversation across a lot like actually writing letters on paper used to be done. In this way we were able to communicate in a much more meaningful way.

As time progressed, there were a ton of short cryptic notations typed in that actually created a whole new library of terms to learn but served it's purpose in shortening the amount of time a person had to spend typing out what they wanted to say. Not that it was a bad thing, but it started even back then taking away the personal communication aspect of a chat conversation. It wasn't long before chat sessions lost their charm and people just pretty much stopped going to chat rooms to have meaningful conversations with others on the Internet.

The lions share of my own early days in the chat rooms was spent learning about code and physical aspects of computers and computer hardware. I had no other formal training in this area but was able to use this online self education to land a great job for a time in my life.

I smile today when I see the same cryptic notations being used during texting along with even newer ones introduced as phones have progressed. The sad thing is I have even experienced the complete misunderstanding of even complete sentences in a texting conversation that nearly ended in a bad feelings incident with my own daughter. It took me a lot to get her to understand that what I had texted was not meant in the way that it was taken.

This is where I realized just how important it is to hold a real conversation and take the time to clearly express ones feelings during the conversations so no mistakes or misinterpretations are made.

Email at least from my standpoint still holds about the same amount of information passed along as a real letter written on paper. It of course has been abused to a great extent as well. That said, people are doing a lot more email communication on their phones now too. As a business person, doing email on the phone is not an option. Most of my emails require the transfer of usable image documents and data that has be be put on the computer. It is either not an option to transfer from a phone, or is just simply not convenient to do yet.

I guess my point in all of this is just how important it is to set aside time with people in a face to face conversation and just talk.

Be there at 100% and don't have something else to do at that time. We need to regain our ability to communicate with each other and have fun doing it. Not all conversations need to be sober and dire, in fact it should be a point in holding a conversation to make it about more things that you can smile about.

What in the world does this have to do with LINK COMMISSIONS™ and our program?

Absolutely everything! We can share our new found way of making extra money with our friends and family and even invite them to do the same. Why would you want them to do this, wouldn't that just take away your own link building efforts? Considering that there are over 320 million people in the USA, I think that even if you told everyone around you locally about the LINK COMMISSIONS™ program there would still be so many opportunities to share links with others that all of your friends together would not make a dent in your own link sharing efforts.

This is in fact a strange way to build a business, or just an extra cash generating endeavor, but when you look at the whole picture, it always comes back around and each of us is rewarded in ways we cannot even predict. I personally have many stories I plan to share in this sites newsletter that will bring inspiration and enjoyment to our subscribers.

Don't hesitate to contact me personally and hold a conversation. I love to share and I never fail to get something back in return when having a conversation as my feelings are that we all are part of the world we live in and it's always exciting to hear stories from others.

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